Testing, Testing…

Can anybody hear me?

Is anybody out there?

Or is 2022 too late to start a blog? Possibly, but I’m going to do it anyway. I’ve actually tried blogging in the past - not very successfully, but it was fun nonetheless. I had a blog when I first started volunteering on farms back in 2011. I was traveling the country and working on farms through the WWOOF program and documenting my adventures (mainly my meals - how very 2000s of me). I also attempted a mommy/wellness blog a few years ago when I was selling Beautycounter and trying to find a way to share our farm life. It was a lame attempt and I didn’t have the drive to keep it going, but that’s okay.

So here we are in 2022 and I’m giving it a go again. Testing the waters to see if this feels like the right time. I’ve been feeling pulled to leave social media again, so blogging seems like a good way to continue to share my experiences and hopefully connect to folks to want to share messy life stuff with me, albeit virtually. To be honest, a lack of community has been heavy on my heart for some time now. Living a rural farm life lends itself to some isolation - that combined with my social anxiety issues makes for few friends, unfortunately. There is a wonderful group of mothers and farmers and makers on Instagram that has filled that community void for a long time, but social media just doesn’t feel like a safe space anymore. I know a lot of other people feel the same way. So, I’m going to ramble here and hope it speaks to some of you. If nothing else, I enjoy writing and sharing our life, so this will serve me, too.

Here goes nothing.


Our yearly sheep harvest.